Meditations on the Holy Name of Jesus
Excerpts from the books The Way of Salvation and Prayers and Meditations on the Life of Jesus Christ
For this final Friday of the month of the Holy Name of Jesus, I present to you two short meditation from St. Alphonsus de Liguori and Thomas a Kempis on our Lord’s Holy Name.
Yours in Jesus and Mary
On the Feast of the Sacred Name of Jesus by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Excerpt from the book The Way of Salvation (1836, Keating and Brown, pages 191-192).
I. The name of Jesus was given to the Word made flesh, not by man, but by God himself: “And his name shall be called Jesus,” that is, Savior. (Luke 2:21). A name of gladness, of hope, and of love. A name of gladness; because, if the remembrance of our past sins afflicts us, this name cheers us, reminding us that the Son of God was made man to become our Savior. My beloved Savior, thou didst come down from heaven to seek me: and I, a miserable sinner, have turned my back upon thee and despised thy friendship and love! But nevertheless thou desirest my salvation. O my Jesus, I thank thee and love thee.
II. A name of hope; because he who prays to the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus, may hope for whatever grace he asks for: “If you ask the Father anything in my name he will give it to you.” (John 14:14) O my God, relying on this promise, I ask thee, in the name of Jesus, to grant me the forgiveness of all my sins, perseverance in virtue, and the gift of thy holy love. Grant that the remainder of my life may never be employed in offending thee, but only in pleasing and loving thee as thou deservest.
III. A name of love. St. Bernard says, that the name of Jesus is a cipher which represents to us all that God has done for the love of us. So that the name of Jesus reminds us of all the sufferings that Jesus endured for us during his life and at his death. Hence, a devout author addressing himself to Jesus, says: “O Jesus, how much has it cost thee to be Jesus, that is, my Savior!”
O Jesus, write thy sacred name upon my poor heart and upon my tongue, in order that when I am tempted to commit sin, I may resist by invoking thee: when tempted to despair, I may confide in thy merits: and on finding myself lukewarm in loving thee, thy name may inflame me by reminding me how much thou hast loved me. Thy name then shall always be my defence, my consolation, and the fire to inflame me with thy love. Grant me, O Jesus, while I live, to call on thee; and when I die, to depart with thy holy name on my lips, saying with my last breath: “I love thee, my Jesus; my Jesus, I love thee.” Holy Mary, Queen of virgins, grant that in death I may invoke you also together with the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Of the Bestowal of the Saving Name of Jesus by Thomas a Kempis
From the book Prayers and Meditations on the Life of Jesus Christ (1908, Kegan Paul, Trench, and Trubner and Co, LTD, pages 21-23)
I bless Thee, and give thanks to Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, for the giving to Thee of Thy Saving and Adorable Name, Jesus.
This Name was first made known by the Angel to Blessed Mary the Virgin; later it was revealed to holy Joseph in a dream; but now, on this day, it was given Thee by Thy parents.
O sweetest Name of Jesus, Name blessed above every name, whether in Heaven or on earth! According to Thy Name, O my Jesus, so be Thy praise to the ends of the world. From the rising of the sun to the going down thereof, may Thy glorious Name be worthily magnified from this time forth for evermore! From everlasting was this most Holy and Adorable Name made Thine by God the Father; but only when the fullness of time was come, was it made known unto men. For there is no other Name given to men, whereby we must be saved.
Just, therefore, and right is it, that to Thee should bow every knee in Heaven and on earth; and that every tongue should confess that Thou art Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. O most sweet Jesus, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth! Great indeed is Thy Name above the name of Solomon, and above those of all the kings which were before or after him. Therefore shall all the kings of the earth fall down and worship Thee; and Thee shall all peoples and languages serve and obey; for Thou art the Lord our God, the King, and the Savior of all Christians.
O sweet and saving Name of Jesus, which heals all our infirmities, enlightens our minds, sets on fire our hearts, drives away our grief, softens anger, sheds forth peace and concord, fosters charity, and turns our sorrow into joy!
This dearest of all names was brought down to earth by an Angel from Heaven. This name was preached throughout the world by the Apostles. For this name it was that the Martyrs suffered. This name it was that Confessors proclaimed aloud. This name it was that Holy Virgins ardently loved. This name it is which is praised and hymned by old and young. The most sweet Name of Jesus it is which, rather than deny, thousands upon thousands of the faithful have preferred to suffer death.
This saving Name it is which princes and kings now worship and adore. This name it is which Priests and Doctors publish and proclaim. This name it is which all faithful Christians especially venerate and love; for, renouncing the devil and the world, it is in the name of Jesus that they hope to be saved. For Jesus is the Savior, and the Protector, of all who are His, and who believe in, and who love, Him to the end.
O most sweet Jesus, my one hope of salvation, write, I beseech Thee, Thy Name upon my heart, not in the letter but in the spirit; and grant that by Thy Grace it may be so strongly there impressed, and may there remain, that neither prosperity nor adversity may ever dim my love for Thee. Be Thou to me a strong tower from the face of the enemy, my comforter in tribulation, my counsellor when I am in doubt, my refuge in distress, my lifter-up when I fall, the model of my life, my restorer when I go astray, and my ever-faithful guide through all the dangers and temptations of this mortal life to my home which is above.